Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fishing Guide

A simple fishing guide/ step for new beginner before start fishing:

1.Start out by preparing your rod and reel. The reel has to have a line then press the button of your spin-cast reel. Make sure that enough line is pulled to thread it through all of the guides of the rod.

2.Attach a hook. One thing about hooks is that they come in different shapes and sizes. An acceptable size to use is #6 or #8. A clinch should be used to tie the hook to the line.

3.Attaching a bobber by threading the line to the top and bottom hooks. The purpose is to attach the bobber so the fish hook hangs just above the structure.

4.Attaching the bait is the next step. Attach the bait to the hook using either worm rig method, worm rig for bait stealers method or doughball method. cast and retrieve. First cast the bait, then turn the reel crank forward until it clicks to prevent more line from coming out. You know you are catching a fish when the bobber moves or when you feel a tug on the line. Make sure the hook is in the fish's mouth. If more detailed instructions are needed there are numerous fishing guides on the web or in books.

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